Dear Gabe,
I'm so glad we caught you online yesterday to wish you a Happy Birthday.
We miss Kim and the boys almost as much as we miss you. It's just not the same without them. Little things will remind us of them, a baby spoon or a sippy cup, and we'll find ourselves missing them all over again.
Its been a wet summer and the grass seed that Auntie Kesi threw down is sprouting. I hope it will thrive but I'm not holding my breath. Astro-turf is starting to sound real good to me.
I'm really loving the new job although I'm not too thrilled with my success rate. At this point I'll be happy catching so kid like your friend trying to swallow an unpaid for goldfish. I'm getting so desperate that even if its an old lady trying to walk off with a bottle of K-Y jelly, she's going down!
Well, I hope you had a nice birthday. We'll celebrate when you get back here. Be safe, as always.
Love you.