Sunday, November 30, 2008

Thanks For Your Service

Thursday, November 27, 2008


Dear Gabe,

We're getting just a little bit excited about yours and Ryott's visit next month. Sure wish the other guys could be with you but for now I'll be happy with the two of you. Have a great Thanksgiving. We're doing a little turkey tonight. I'll be working so I'm doing what I can now and the others will have to finish up. We were supposed to have a little harvest feast tomorrow but Dad has the flu and I don't want to get all of our friends sick, so we'll just hold off until you get here. Got lots of deer, elk and antelope. I think we even have some dove and wild turkey!

Love you always,


ps: still trying to fix this background. I guess it's okay for the winter, but its really hard on the eyes. I'll see if Rocky can fix it over the holidays. mom~

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Have a Great Thanksgiving Gabe and make sure you eat alot , those MRE's SUCK!

Thursday, November 13, 2008


Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Thanks Gabe

Thanks Gabe for serving this great nation!
Hoping you are having a Great Veterans Day?
God bless you sir and your fellow soldiers.
Retired E-4 John Garnett
Communication Specialist
Cannon Crewman
Btry B 1/Bn 109th Fa Pa. 28th Div.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Thank You, Gabe

I have been following your mom's stories since I found her in the FRG parents' blog. (My soldier son is still deployed but will be returning soon.) We are all so proud of you and grateful for your service. We have worried for you and prayed for your safe return. Even though we will never actually meet, you and your wonderful family have become dear to us through your mother's blogs. Welcome home, Gabe, and thank you from a grateful citizen.
Katherine ~ PAM of David, Iraq

Thank you!

I have been holding off writing this entry. I have been trying to come up with something profound to say, to articulate words strong enough to express my feeling of utmost respect, adoration and gratefulness for all you have done for our family, our friends and our country.

I cannot fathom up any words powerful enough to say exactly how I feel so I will just say theses few things....

Thank you Gabe. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your service to our country. You are a man of honor and I respect all you have done and seen. Thank you for leaving your family back in the states to defend the liberties of mine.

Thank you soldier, I salute you.


Welcome Home Gabe!

Hi Gabe,

Welcome home! Again you do not know me either but I am one of your mom's loyal readers to her journal/blog. I am so glad you are home safe with your new baby, your parents and the Oompa's. I remember when you where first deployed and have followed your progress through your mom's letters to you and her updates. I just wanted to say Thank you for your service to your country and again welcome back! You have a wonderful family now it is time to enjoy them.

God Bless,


Dear Gabe,

You don't know me. We've never met. I'm just a guy your mother occasionally finds to be mildly amusing.

I'm also a Canadian, so I'm somewhat removed from your situation. Aside from the different attitudes towards the military in our two countries, I also think the decision your government made to send you and your fellows into Iraq was a poor one. Or at least made for the wrong reasons.

That, however does not reflect on you in any way. You are a man who answered his country's call when he perceived it was needed. You stood up and said, "yes, put me in harm's way for the benefit of all my friends, family, neighbours and countrymen." For that I have nothing but the utmost respect for you, and the brothers-in-arms with whom you have spent the last two years.

I am also a father; not of a whole brood of Oompahs, like your parents, but of a fourteen year-old boy - much like one of your younger brothers - much like you were, yourself, not too many years ago. As such, I have understood your Mother's complex feelings over your enlistment and deployment. I have read along in her blog, feeling her fear for, feeling her helplessness about, and feeling her immense pride in her son. I cannot imagine what I would feel if my son announced he was joining the military. Were it to come to pass, I can only hope to handle it with the grace your Mother has displayed during a time when her worst fears were never very far from the surface of her mind.

With your current tour of duty over, I share your Mother's joy at your return home, and relief that you are out of harm's way - at least for a while. Welcome home, Gabe. Well done, and welcome home. Have a beer for me. Heck, have two - it'll be like having one Canadian beer.


Paul Little
Aurora Walking Vacation

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Welcome Home Soldier!

My family and I are so appreciative of everything you do for US...

We are so proud of you and just as glad to have you home as your mama and daddy and oompas are!

Hug those babies of yours and give them lots of kisses...

Enjoy your time at home and again please know how proud and appreciative we are!

The Lawrence family in the big ole state of Texas....

Welcome Back, Gabe!

Welcome Home... Welcome Back! Many of us have taken this journey with your Mom. We've worried about you and kept you in our thoughts hoping that our positive energy would somehow protect you from harm. I think I'm (almost) as happy as your Mom to know you are back on American soil.

Enjoy your wife, your children, and your family.

Thank you for your service to Our Country. I sleep better each night knowing that you and your comrades stand between me and the darkness.



I'm a friend of your Mom's. I just wanted the pleasure of welcoming you home! Thank you for your service to this country! It's always awesome to once again welcome one of our soldier back into the fold.

I have a SIL who will be deploying to Iraq after the holidays. I know how much your mother worrries and understand wanting to know your child is home and safe!

Once Again WELCOME HOME! Rest up and enjoy being back on American Soil! I'm sure the Oompas will keep you plenty busy in the following days.

Dear Gabe,

"Thank you!" and "Welcome Home" seem so small and insignificant when I consider what you have given and what you have given up in order to serve your country ... and your fellow countrymen.

They are the simplest of words but they are heartfelt and sincere.

Thank you Gabe, for all of it. Welcome home! I pray that you know joy, love and contentment in your life here at home. I pray that the sun shines for you and your family and that you live surrounded by those you care about and by those who care about you.

Hugs and Hugs and More Hugs,


Love you bro,
Rocky, Becca, Art and Zack

Friday, November 7, 2008


"If prayers were feathers you could fly home son. But you have your mission, so may the feathers instead envelope and protect you until you can come home."
February 22, 2006

I wrote that shortly after your first deployment. Over the past two years you have collected so many feathers of prayer to protect you and now to fly you home. Welcome home Gabe. We've missed you.

Love always,


Dear Gabe,

Kimmie just called and told me you were flying in to Kentucky this evening. That just made my day..., my week, my year, my life! Even now I feel like such a tremendous weight has been lifted from my heart in the knowledge that you are no longer in Iraq but on your way home. I wish I could be there when you step out of the plane. I had hoped to be there in December. No matter, I shall be there in my thoughts. I'm already practicing my crying.

Welcome home son, can't wait to say it in person.

Till then, be safe. Love you always,
