Dear Gabe,
You're probably already in Kuwait by now. Its hard to believe that two weeks have passed and you've already come and gone back to Iraq. I only hope your remaining deployment goes by as quickly as your leave did.
I'm glad you shared your stories, and even your nightmares, with dad and me. It helps me to understand what you are going through over there. Listening to you and dad talk that technical 'hoo-hah' gave me a lot of comfort for I realized that you are no longer an inexperienced kid, you're a professional soldier, and a fine one at that.
You still have a potty mouth. I can't believe how many times you can use the 'f' word in a sentence. I think the record is 5 times. Amazing! Rocky would have been rich if she was sitting up with you and dad that last night! And... she would have scored a few bucks from dad as well. Too funny!
Well son, I hope you found some release from your leave. I certainly did. Its time to put your game face back on though. Be safe out there, watch your back, take care of your buddies, and know that there are so many people back here who are so proud of you guys and what you are doing, and we've all got you in our prayers.
Miss you already, love you always.