Gabe, I was so happy to hear that you got in touch with Kayle's brother. I hope and pray that he hears from her soon and that she calls you.
Well, its official, I am now a full time mom, and totally unemployed! I'm already worrying about the loss of $, but I'm so excited about being able to cook again, and the kids will actually be able to go out and play after school! We can do things this summer that we haven't done since we moved here... I think this will work out well.
It snowed again today, it was beautiful and I took my new camera out this morning to get some pictures. Okay, the camera is definitely intended for someone way smarter than me but I'm determined to figure it out. Fortunately I can easily delete the wasted shots and it doesn't cost me any money.
I hope you can call tomorrow, the kids are excited to talk to you. They've been dying Easter eggs this evening. I was helping and now my fingers are all blue, it looks like I've been digging a smurf's nose or something. This better come off!
Hey, guess what... I can sleep in tomorrow! Yipee! Happy Easter.
Miss you, love you!
Any news on your grandbaby yet dorn? Today was the first time I clicked on Gabes letters link....I knew I would get all choked up and emotional.....and of course I did.....Mother's are such blubbering babies about their babies. The joy on Steves face in above picture (jumping from plane) says it all huh....He loved it.....Gabe is finding his own passions in the military now and I will be constantly praying for his safety. (((jody)))
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