Thursday, September 29, 2005


Two emails were waiting for me when I woke up this morning. What a beautiful way to start the day, especially after last night.

I had my first nightmare.  I may even have screamed out loud, I know my tears were for real because my face and pillow were sopping wet when I finally woke up.  And I was soooo afraid it wasn't a dream.  I am still shaken over it.  Reading your letters were so calming.  Thank you.

Zack got a call from the Marine recruiter.  He said 'no, not interested right now'.  I was so happy to hear that.  Art is a different story.  He'd enlist now if they took 16 year olds.  Baban had all 7 of her boys join.  How did her heart survive that?

Dad was given some tickets for the Styx and Reo Speedwagon concert.  They were giving them out on Post.  This community hasn't let up on its support of the military one bit.  Thats really cool.  We're taking Art and Becca with us.  The concert is on the 3rd of October, thats Becca's birthday.  She'll be 14.

Well, son, thanks again for the letters.  I'll be waiting by the phone for your call.  I'm not missing this one.  Til then, miss you, LOVE you!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gabe stay safe:)


September 29, 2005 at 2:17 PM  

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