Dear Gabe,
I knew this moment would come and I've had months to prepare. When I spoke to you earlier I asked if you were ready. You said that you were. When you asked if I was ready I replied that yes, I was ready as I would ever be. Besides, it wouldn't matter because ready or not, there you go.
Now, as I wait for the phone to ring, I know that I am not ready at all. What do you say to your son during the last phone conversation you will have for a while? What do you talk about when the reality of war looms threatening over head? 'I love you'? 'Take care'? I wish I could say 'Don't go', but we both know I can't.
Its hard not even being there to send you off, to give you one more hug. Its hard not to cry. Agh! One day we will read back on this and I will be so embarassed for being so goofy, but hey, its what I do best so what is a mother to do?
Heres a list of things to do, keep them in mind. Be strong for yourself, be strong for your buddies. Be cautious and alert... always! Learn to recognize your enemies quickly. Remember that not all enemies walk on two feet. There are other enemies that you will face: fear, fatigue, hunger, doubt, deceit. They too must be fought off. Remember who you are, and keep sight of your humanity. Pray, often. Pray to God, and pray to the Great Spirit. Look to the sky when you have nowhere else to look and know that even though you are on a distant land so far away, we still share the same sky. When you see the moon above, listen to the message it sends down through the breeze from me. I will always be with you.
Love Mom.
ps: don't forget to wear your fire-proof undies.
Gabe stay safe:)
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