Dear Gabe,
Its been 2 days now since you checked your mail. That depresses me. I keep checking the status of the letter I sent. It still says: NativeHopi (not yet read) Pooey!
Dad hasn't said anything more about putting in for that job in Iraq. Perhaps he has decided against it. I hope so. I thought I wanted him there, near you... which isn't saying much, but it would have been closer than here... but now, now I think he should stay here. Besides, I don't want you stressing over him the way he will be stressing over you. That won't do anyone any good.
Tomorrow is Morla's birthday. She will be 21. Okay, not really, but I'm sure she wouldn't mind being 21 again. I don't know what we're doing yet, but she, Kristie, Val and I are supposed to go out. I'll have to bum money off of Zack... that sounds so weird... borrowing $ from Zachary! Hahahaha! He's loving it, the turd! I hope I get hired back at Walmart, then I can boss him around! He gets enough flack as it is from my friends there. It could be so much fun working there again. People still think he's you.
I hope you're safe, where ever you are. I hope you're getting enough sleep, the food is good and the climate kind. Still waiting for a mailing address so we can start sending you pieces of home.
Missing you, Love you always,
Please write to your mom, as soon as you are possibly able to do so.
I had not heard from one of my sons for over a week today. He just called me 10 minutes ago and the sound of his voice was MUSIC to my ears! No, he isn't in Iraq. He's in LA! Which could very well be worse than Iraq!
Moms think about their children all day long. Even if their kids are 21, 24, or 38.
When they go to sleep at night, they dream about their kids as well.
If it is possible, please write to your mom.
We love you! Thank-you so much for your courage and bravery!
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